Project-Based Language Learning and CALL - From Virtual Exchange to Social Justice - Michael Thomas

Project-Based Language Learning and CALL - From Virtual Exchange to Social Justice - Michael Thomas

6. Incorporating Digital Projects into an Advanced Japanese Course: Effectiveness and Implementation

Project-Based Language Learning and CALL - From Virtual Exchange to Social Justice - Michael Thomas

Kai Xie [+-]
Kenyon College
Kai Xie is an Assistant Professor of Japanese at Kenyon College. She received her PhD in Japanese literature from the University of Washington and specializes in Sino-Japanese comparisons and interactions. She also holds a master’s degree in Japanese linguistics from Beijing Foreign Studies University. As a teacher of Japanese language, literature, and culture, she is interested in pedagogy, especially the use of technology in language and culture learning.


This chapter describes the use of digital video projects in an advanced Japanese language course, showing the effectiveness of these projects in developing language skills, deepening understanding of Japanese culture, and cultivating skills related to creativity, communication, collaboration, problem-solving and critical thinking. It also discusses the implementation of such projects.

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Xie, Kai. 6. Incorporating Digital Projects into an Advanced Japanese Course: Effectiveness and Implementation. Project-Based Language Learning and CALL - From Virtual Exchange to Social Justice. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 127-149 Mar 2021. ISBN 9781800500242. Date accessed: 14 Jan 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.42400. Mar 2021

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