Falco and Beyond - Neo Nothing Post of All - Ewa Mazierska

Falco and Beyond - Neo Nothing Post of All - Ewa Mazierska

9 The 1980s: the stories of Brill(i)ant(in) Brutal

Falco and Beyond - Neo Nothing Post of All - Ewa Mazierska

Ewa Mazierska [+-]
University of Central Lancashire
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Ewa Mazierska is Professor in Film Studies at the School of Journalism and Digital Communication, University of Central Lancashire. Her publications include European Cinema and Intertextuality: History, Memory, Politics (Palgrave Macmillan, 2011), Nabokov's Cinematic Afterlife (McFarland, 2011), Roman Polanski: The Cinema of a Cultural Traveller (I.B. Tauris, 2007) and with Laura Rascaroli, Crossing New Europe: Postmodern Travel and the European Road Movie (Wallflower, 2006).


While Falco’s beginnings coincide with the swan song of Keynesianism, the early 1980s, when he achieved his early successes, mark the beginning of neoliberalism. Falco is a perfect lens to research neoliberal popular art, because his career began when this system was coming into existence.

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Mazierska, Ewa . 9 The 1980s: the stories of Brill(i)ant(in) Brutal. Falco and Beyond - Neo Nothing Post of All. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 77 - 113 Apr 2014. ISBN 9781845532352. https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/view-chapter/?id=20883. Date accessed: 21 Sep 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.20883. Apr 2014

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