First Civilizations - Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt (Second Edition) - Robert Chadwick

First Civilizations - Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt (Second Edition) - Robert Chadwick

7 The Last Babylonian Dynasty

First Civilizations - Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt (Second Edition) - Robert Chadwick

Robert Chadwick [+-]
Bishop's University
Robert Chadwick is the co-director of the Wadi ath-Thamad Project and currently teaches in the Religion Department at Bishops University, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada.


This chapter examines how a new ruling family took the throne of Babylon in Southern Mesopotamia and were able to overthrow the Assyrians and take over their empire. In doing so, they established the kingdom of Babylonia as the premier power in the Near East. Another group -- the Medes -- who helped to defeat the Assyrians, returned to their homeland on the Iranian plateau, turning their attention north towards Armenia and the rest of Anatolia. Topics discussed: - Egypt returns to Syria-Palestine - Nebuchadnezzar II - the conquest of Judah - the great city of Babylon - the palace coup of Belshazzar - Adad-Guppi: the mother of Nabonidus - the religion of the moon god - a religious interpretation of Assyro-Babylonian history - the celestial dream of Nabonidus - Nabonidus in Arabia - the 'akitu' festival - Belshazzar - Ehulhul, the 'house of joy' - the end of Babylon

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Chadwick, Robert . 7 The Last Babylonian Dynasty. First Civilizations - Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt (Second Edition). Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 90-98 Jan 2005. ISBN 9781904768784. Date accessed: 06 Feb 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.18660. Jan 2005

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