First Civilizations - Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt (Second Edition) - Robert Chadwick

First Civilizations - Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt (Second Edition) - Robert Chadwick

16 Egypt in the late second and first millenniums BC

First Civilizations - Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt (Second Edition) - Robert Chadwick

Robert Chadwick [+-]
Bishop's University
Robert Chadwick is the co-director of the Wadi ath-Thamad Project and currently teaches in the Religion Department at Bishops University, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada.


This chapter looks at how a series of invasions beginning about halfway through its 3000-year history affected Egyptian life. Topics include: - the coming of the Libyans - the Sea Peoples - Egypt and the end of the New Kingdom - the Third Intermediate Period - Egypt under Libyan rule - Egypt returns to Asia - Kush and Assyria: the struggle for Egypt - Assyria in Egypt - Necho II: the Sea King - foreign policy in Syria-Palestine - the last great Pharoh - the death of King Amasis II

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Chadwick, Robert . 16 Egypt in the late second and first millenniums BC. First Civilizations - Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt (Second Edition). Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 194-202 Jan 2005. ISBN 9781904768784. Date accessed: 17 Jan 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.18674. Jan 2005

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