Castles and Landscapes - Power, Community and Fortification in Medieval England - O.H. Creighton

Castles and Landscapes - Power, Community and Fortification in Medieval England - O.H. Creighton

List of Figures

Castles and Landscapes - Power, Community and Fortification in Medieval England - O.H. Creighton

O.H. Creighton [+-]
University of Exeter
O.H. Creighton is Lecturer in Archaeology at the University of Exeter. He is the author (with R.A. Higham) of Medieval Castles (Shire, 2003)


Castles were among the most dominant features of the medieval landscape and many remain impressive structures to the present day. This paperback edition of a book first published in hardback in 2002 is a fascinating and provocative study which looks at castles in a new light, using the theories and methods of landscape studies. For the first time castles are examined not as an isolated phenomenon, but in relation to their surrounding human as well as physical landscapes. Taking a thematic approach, the study examines a broad range of evidence - archaeological, documentary and topographical - to put castles back into the medieval landscape and assess their contribution to its evolution. Far more than simply a book about castles, this is a study of the impact of power and authority on the landscape

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Creighton, O.H. . List of Figures. Castles and Landscapes - Power, Community and Fortification in Medieval England. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. ix-xii Feb 2005. ISBN 9781904768678. Date accessed: 19 Sep 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.20387. Feb 2005

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