An Introduction to Linguistics and Language Studies - Anne McCabe

An Introduction to Linguistics and Language Studies - Anne McCabe

Language change

An Introduction to Linguistics and Language Studies - Anne McCabe

Anne McCabe [+-]
Saint Louis University
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Anne McCabe is a faculty member of the English Department at Saint Louis University, Madrid Campus, Spain, where she teaches linguistics, ESL and writing pedagogy to undergraduate and graduate students. She has published widely on application of Systemic Functional Linguistics to analysis of educational and media texts including An Introduction to Linguistics and Language Studies (Equinox).


This chapter presents several explanations which cover various aspects of language change, focusing on semantic change, sound change, morphological and syntactic change, as well as changes in text and discourse.

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McCabe, Anne. Language change. An Introduction to Linguistics and Language Studies. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 232-270 Mar 2011. ISBN 9781845534264. Date accessed: 11 Dec 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.21172. Mar 2011

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