Aspects of Cognitive Ethnolinguistics - Jerzy Bartmiński

Aspects of Cognitive Ethnolinguistics - Jerzy Bartmiński

The Polish OJCZYZNA (homeland): its base stereotype and ideological profiles

Aspects of Cognitive Ethnolinguistics - Jerzy Bartmiński

Jerzy Bartminski
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej


This chapter discusses the concept of homeland, with a long tradition all over the world. The starting point in the process of the formation of the Polish concept was, similarly to other European cultures, the Latin patria, connected with home, the father (pater), inheritance after the father (patrimonium) and later with the institution of the state.

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Bartminski, Jerzy. The Polish OJCZYZNA (homeland): its base stereotype and ideological profiles. Aspects of Cognitive Ethnolinguistics. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 162-177 Oct 2009. ISBN 9781845539702. Date accessed: 18 Sep 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.21545. Oct 2009

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