Poetry and Culture in Middle Kingdom Egypt - A Dark Side to Perfection - R.B. Parkinson

Poetry and Culture in Middle Kingdom Egypt - A Dark Side to Perfection - R.B. Parkinson

1. The study of 'Middle Kingdom' Literature

Poetry and Culture in Middle Kingdom Egypt - A Dark Side to Perfection - R.B. Parkinson

R.B. Parkinson [+-]
University of Oxford
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Professor of Egyptology; Fellow of The Queen’s College and formerly Former Assistant Keeper,Ancient Egyptian pharaonic culture in the Department: Ancient Egypt and Sudan at the British Museum


The author describes his approach to the poetry of this period, explaining that he discusses them as components of a coherent corpus. He goes on to provide a summary of key events that figured during the period of the Middle Kingdom and goes on to trace the reception history that the literature has experienced since the mid-19th century when it became to known as some of the oldest literature in human history. This leads to an explanation of the approach taken towards dating and interpretation followed in this book which is then placed in the wider historical context through a discussion of the 'propaganda', 'heurmeneutical' , 'formalist' and other critical traditions alongside those of the philological tradition of editing and commentary.

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Parkinson, R.B.. 1. The study of 'Middle Kingdom' Literature. Poetry and Culture in Middle Kingdom Egypt - A Dark Side to Perfection. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 3-21 Dec 2010. ISBN 9781845537708. https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/view-chapter/?id=22503. Date accessed: 19 Sep 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.22503. Dec 2010

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