Analysing Literary Sumerian - Corpus-based Approaches - Jarle Ebeling

Analysing Literary Sumerian - Corpus-based Approaches - Jarle Ebeling

Introduction to the study of Sumerian

Analysing Literary Sumerian - Corpus-based Approaches - Jarle Ebeling

Jarle Ebeling [+-]
University of Oxford
Jarle Ebeling is a researcher at the Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford, specializing in corpus linguistics.
Jarle Ebeling [+-]
University of Oxford
Jarle Ebeling is a researcher at the Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford, specializing in corpus linguistics.


Sumerian as the object of traditional philological study; Sumerian as a spoken and obsolescent language; Sumerian as the object of linguistic study; Diachronic variation; Synchronic variation; Concluding remarks and the way forward.

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Black †, Jeremy; Zolyomi, Gabor. Introduction to the study of Sumerian. Analysing Literary Sumerian - Corpus-based Approaches. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 1-32 Apr 2007. ISBN 9781845532291. Date accessed: 14 Sep 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.22652. Apr 2007

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