Analysing Literary Sumerian - Corpus-based Approaches - Jarle Ebeling

Analysing Literary Sumerian - Corpus-based Approaches - Jarle Ebeling

Pre-verbal /n/:function, distribution, and stability

Analysing Literary Sumerian - Corpus-based Approaches - Jarle Ebeling

Jarle Ebeling [+-]
University of Oxford
Jarle Ebeling is a researcher at the Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford, specializing in corpus linguistics.


This chapter focuses on one of the grammatical morphemes of Sumerian -- the pre-verbal element /n/ -- whose grammatical function continues to be called into question from time to time. The chapter introduces a new methodology for approaching this question.

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Delnero, Paul. Pre-verbal /n/:function, distribution, and stability. Analysing Literary Sumerian - Corpus-based Approaches. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 105-143 Apr 2007. ISBN 9781845532291. Date accessed: 09 Feb 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.22656. Apr 2007

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