Sanctuaries and Settlement Organization: ‘Confederacies’ as Alternatives to ‘Paramount Chiefdoms’ in Modeling Nuragic Power Relations

Nuragic Sanctuaries - Symbols, Ritual and the Management of Power in Prehistoric Sardinia - Nicola Ialongo

Nicola Ialongo [+-]
University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’
Nicola Ialongo is Research Assistant in the Department of Sciences of Antiquity, at “Sapienza” University of Rome. Previously coordinating fieldwork within the Bonorva archaeological project (SS, Sardinia; concluded in 2008), he currently collaborates to the excavations at the Bronze Age village at Broglio di Trebisacce (CS, Calabria) and at the village and cult place at Monte Cimino (VT, Latium). His research and publications currently focus on Nuragic archaeology and on alternative approaches to the study of prehistoric weight measures.


Growing complexity in the organization of Nuragic territories is usually interpreted in the sense of the development of a three-tier settlement hierarchy. The envisaged power structure is still based on a three-tier system (small settlement-large settlement-sanctuary), but it is no more tied to scalar power-relationships. While a high tier is still envisaged, its decisional prerogatives are by no means derived from top-down coercive capacities, but they are instead negotiated among peers. The concept of “security regime”, can be employed to simplify the categorization of the envisaged organizational structure. Security regimes are defined as “those principles, rules, and norms that permit nations to be restrained in their behavior in the belief that others will reciprocate” (R. Jervis 1982, Security regimes. International Organization, 36.2: 357-378). The concept basically sets the framework to explain why, and in what conditions, conflicting polities would gain more benefit in normalizing reciprocal relationships, than in pursuing individual supremacy.

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Ialongo, Nicola. Sanctuaries and Settlement Organization: ‘Confederacies’ as Alternatives to ‘Paramount Chiefdoms’ in Modeling Nuragic Power Relations. Nuragic Sanctuaries - Symbols, Ritual and the Management of Power in Prehistoric Sardinia. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. Sep 2027. ISBN 9781781791479. Date accessed: 19 Jan 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.22858. Sep 2027

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