Death's Dominion - Power, Identity, and Memory at the Fourth-Century Martyr Shrine - Nathaniel J. Morehouse

Death's Dominion - Power, Identity, and Memory at the Fourth-Century Martyr Shrine - Nathaniel J. Morehouse

To Accept: Unification Through Travel

Death's Dominion - Power, Identity, and Memory at the Fourth-Century Martyr Shrine - Nathaniel J. Morehouse

Nathaniel J. Morehouse [+-]
John Carroll University
Nathaniel Morehouse (PhD, University of Manitoba, Early Christianity). In addition to his work on the uses of intentional memory creation in the Fourth-Century Christian context, Nathaniel dabbles with the idea of evil and the history of Christmas. His first book, Death’s Dominion: Power, Identity, and Memory at the Fourth Century Martyr Shrine, was published by Equinox in 2016. He lives in NorthEast Ohio where he teaches courses in Religious Studies and Philosophy at John Carroll University and Lakeland Community College.


Christians traveled to specific places associated with the history of their tradition prior to the fourth century; Palestine drew Christian travelers by the late second century. It was only by the end of the fourth century, however, that there was a significant rise in the number of Christians who could be classified collectively as “pilgrims.” Initially most pilgrimages were to the “Holy Land,” to visit sites associated with the life and death of Jesus. Chapter five traces the development of the pilgrims’ interest surrounding such prestigious locations as those associated with the life of Jesus, but quickly also focused on martyr shrines. Pilgrimage to martyr shrines could range from traveling to the shrines outside the walls of the city on feast days, to significant journeys to visit important shrines hundreds of miles away. Consequently pilgrimage created a network of memory associated with the martyrs. Ultimately it was the pilgrims who solidified Christian cultural identity and memory at the graves of the saints. This new genus of Christians determined meaning for themselves and for those to whom they wrote concerning their travels, promoting more travel to the shrines of the saints.

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Morehouse, Nathaniel . To Accept: Unification Through Travel. Death's Dominion - Power, Identity, and Memory at the Fourth-Century Martyr Shrine. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 146-171 Sep 2016. ISBN 9781781790823. Date accessed: 18 Jan 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.24167. Sep 2016

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