Setting Out on the Great Way - Essays on Early Mahāyāna Buddhism - Paul Harrison

Setting Out on the Great Way - Essays on Early Mahāyāna Buddhism - Paul Harrison

The Concept of 'Remodelling the World'

Setting Out on the Great Way - Essays on Early Mahāyāna Buddhism - Paul Harrison

Shizuka Sasaki [+-]
Hanazono University, Japan
Shizuka Sasaki is Professor of Indian Buddhism at Hanazono University, Kyoto, Japan. His research interests include Indian Buddhist monasticism (especially the Vinaya), the history of Mahāyāna Buddhism, Buddhist philosophy, and the relationship between Buddhism and science.


A case study of one of the conceptual building-blocks of Mahāyāna Buddhism, this chapter addresses the idea commonly found in Mahāyāna sūtras that an important aspect of the bodhisattva path is the construction of an ideal world or, in effect, a remodelling of this one (usually referred to as buddha-kṣetra-pariśuddhi, or ‘purification of the domain of an awakened one’). This idea is premised on certain developments in the theory of karma which have major cosmological ramifications. The author traces these developments in various Abhidharma texts, particularly those of the Sarvāstivādin school, compiled during the period in which the first Mahāyāna sūtras were also being written.

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Sasaki, Shizuka . The Concept of 'Remodelling the World'. Setting Out on the Great Way - Essays on Early Mahāyāna Buddhism. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 141-176 Jun 2018. ISBN 9781781798539. Date accessed: 21 Jan 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.24515. Jun 2018

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