The Archaeology of Nuragic Sardinia - Volume 14 - Gary Webster

The Archaeology of Nuragic Sardinia - Volume 14 - Gary Webster

Middle Bronze Age: eighteenth to thirteenth centuries BC

The Archaeology of Nuragic Sardinia - Volume 14 - Gary Webster

Gary Webster [+-]
Gary Webster is former Associate Professor of Anthropology and currently Docent in Archaeology at Umeå University. Between 1985 and 2000 as Director of Pennsylvania State University's Sardinia Research Program he led excavations at several Bronze Age sites. He has published widely on social archaeology, cultural history and the archaeology of Sardinia.


Topics include: Chronology; Settlement; Upland nuraghe-settlements (Brunku Madugui (Maduli)-Gesturi; Duos Nuraghes-Borore); Building nuraghi; Upland open settlements and cave habitations; Lowland open settlements (Sa Osa (S'Arrieddu)-Cabras; Montegonella-Nuraxinieddu; Bau 'e Procus (Cuccuru de S'Arena)-Silì); Political geography ; Technology and economy ; Metallurgy; Trade and interaction; Burial practices; Reused hypogea (Sa Figu-Ittiri, Tomb II; S'Iscia 'e Sos Piras-Usini Megalithic tombs: Giants' tombs (Oridda-Sennori; Sa Sedda 'e sa Caudela-Collinas); Tomb distribution and megalithic burial rites; Cave burials: Tani-Carbonia; MBA Torrean Corsica; Discussing MBA society

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Webster, Gary. Middle Bronze Age: eighteenth to thirteenth centuries BC. The Archaeology of Nuragic Sardinia - Volume 14. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 40-81 Feb 2016. ISBN 9781781791356. Date accessed: 09 Feb 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.24696. Feb 2016

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