Assembling the Village in Medieval Bambuk - An Archaeology of Interaction at Diouboye, Senegal - Cameron Gokee

Assembling the Village in Medieval Bambuk - An Archaeology of Interaction at Diouboye, Senegal - Cameron Gokee

Materializing Interaction: Architecture and Artifacts

Assembling the Village in Medieval Bambuk - An Archaeology of Interaction at Diouboye, Senegal - Cameron Gokee

Cameron Gokee [+-]
Appalachian State University
Cameron Gokee is a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Anthropology at Appalachian State University. His research focuses on the interplay between village communities and historical landscapes in the Senegambia region of West Africa.


This chapter connects ethnographic and historical accounts of village life in Upper Senegal with archaeological data documenting past material and spatial practices. Following a preview of the architectural features and depositional contexts that shaped, and were shaped by, histories of interaction at Diouboye, the chapter introduces artifacts, including domestic equipment, craft goods, trade items, ritual paraphernalia, and plant and animal remains, assembled in these and other medieval contexts along the lower Falemme River.

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Gokee, Cameron. Materializing Interaction: Architecture and Artifacts. Assembling the Village in Medieval Bambuk - An Archaeology of Interaction at Diouboye, Senegal. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 88-117 Jul 2016. ISBN 9781781790403. Date accessed: 09 Feb 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.24755. Jul 2016

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