Assembling the Village in Medieval Bambuk - An Archaeology of Interaction at Diouboye, Senegal - Cameron Gokee

Assembling the Village in Medieval Bambuk - An Archaeology of Interaction at Diouboye, Senegal - Cameron Gokee

Spaces of Interaction: Houses and Quarters

Assembling the Village in Medieval Bambuk - An Archaeology of Interaction at Diouboye, Senegal - Cameron Gokee

Cameron Gokee [+-]
Appalachian State University
Cameron Gokee is a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Anthropology at Appalachian State University. His research focuses on the interplay between village communities and historical landscapes in the Senegambia region of West Africa.


Deploying a micro-scale GIS analysis of surface artifacts and features, this chapter maps the spatial and material practices that underwrote relations of power and community across Diouboye. After summarizing the methods used for surface collection and mapping, the chapter defines the units—namely areas and quarters—that framed the relational histories of neighboring houses in village. A comparison of artifactual and architectural data from these units reveals how spatial relations of distance and segregation intersected with socio-material interactions at multiple scales, at least during the final phase of occupation at Diouboye.

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Gokee, Cameron. Spaces of Interaction: Houses and Quarters. Assembling the Village in Medieval Bambuk - An Archaeology of Interaction at Diouboye, Senegal. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 118-141 Jul 2016. ISBN 9781781790403. Date accessed: 12 Jan 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.24756. Jul 2016

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