Archaeology from the Ploughsoil - Studies in the Collection and Interpretation of Field Survey Data - Colin Haselgrove

Archaeology from the Ploughsoil - Studies in the Collection and Interpretation of Field Survey Data - Colin Haselgrove

2. Field Survey Calibration: a Contribution

Archaeology from the Ploughsoil - Studies in the Collection and Interpretation of Field Survey Data - Colin Haselgrove

Martin Millett [+-]
University of Cambridge
Martin Millett is Laurence Professor of Classical Archaeology at Cambridge University.


This paper approaches the problem of variation in the amount of archaeological material which archaeologists record in different periods. It uses quantified data from two excavations to show their potential for calibrating the results of field survey work. The importance of collecting further information about the quantities of material present on excavations cannot be over-stressed.

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Millett, Martin . 2. Field Survey Calibration: a Contribution. Archaeology from the Ploughsoil - Studies in the Collection and Interpretation of Field Survey Data. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 31-37 Nov 2007. ISBN 9780906090541. Date accessed: 05 Oct 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.24771. Nov 2007

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