Archaeology from the Ploughsoil - Studies in the Collection and Interpretation of Field Survey Data - Colin Haselgrove

Archaeology from the Ploughsoil - Studies in the Collection and Interpretation of Field Survey Data - Colin Haselgrove

7. Survey of a Settlement: a Strategy for the Etruscan site at Doganella in the Albegna Valley

Archaeology from the Ploughsoil - Studies in the Collection and Interpretation of Field Survey Data - Colin Haselgrove

Lucy Walker


Three of the main problems of 'on site' survey are discussed. Such survey provides an approach bridging the gap between regional survey and excavation, where new methods are being developed. It examines how these problems can be resolved and illustrates this with an Etruscan example from Italy. The author stresses the need for three sets of models, to explain the meaning of ploughsoil finds, to record and retrieve them, and to interpret surface scatters. These models must take into account both the processes involved which determine what will be left for the archaeologists and what will be altered before discovery. Finally, the interdependence of survey and excavation is stressed and attention drawn to the necessity of the latter providing chronologies for recovered artefacts from the surface.

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Walker, Lucy. 7. Survey of a Settlement: a Strategy for the Etruscan site at Doganella in the Albegna Valley. Archaeology from the Ploughsoil - Studies in the Collection and Interpretation of Field Survey Data. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 87-94 Nov 2007. ISBN 9780906090541. Date accessed: 08 Oct 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.24776. Nov 2007

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