Mundane morality and gender in familial neighbour disputes

Morality in Practice - Exploring Childhood, Parenthood and Schooling in Everyday Life - Jakob Cromdal

Elizabeth Stokoe [+-]
Loughborough University
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I graduated from University of Central Lancashire (Preston Poly) in 1993 with a traditional psychology degree. Then I completed three years PhD research at Nene College (Leicester University) with Dr Eunice Fisher. I videoed interaction in university tutorials, and conducted conversation analyses of topic production, topic management, academic identity, and the relevance of gender. I developed these and other interests whilst working at the Institute of Behavioural Sciences (University of Derby, 1997-2000) and University College Worcester (2000-2002). I joined the Department of Social Sciences at Loughborough in October 2002 and was promoted to Reader (2007) and Chair (2009). I teach on the BSc Social Psychology programme, covering modules in relationships, qualitative methods and forensic psychology.
Derek Edwards [+-]
Loughborough University
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I research and write on discourse, conversation and social interaction, where my main focus has been on the relations between psychological topics and everyday talk, or ‘discursive psychology’. This involves examining the ways in which common sense ideas about psychological states (thoughts, plans, emotions, attitudes, personality, and so on), figure as part of the conceptual resources that people use in accounting for their everyday lives. I also look at the ways in which psychological business of any kind is handled or managed in talk, not necessarily by overtly naming mental states. This general concern with common sense psychological discourse is also the basis of a critical interest in the nature and products of psychology as a scientific discipline. My main resource for examining how talk works, increasingly over the last decade, is conversation analysis. Among the topics I have looked at are: early child language; conversational remembering; ‘script’ talk; classroom education and learning; conversational narratives; causal accounts and attributions; emotion talk; the deployment of identity categories; factual reporting in the news media; various aspects of relationship counselling; the conversational management of speakers’ subjectivity; complaints; irony; and various recent studies of police interrogations, neighbour disputes and mediation. The latter developments are part of an ESRC-funded joint research project with Liz Stokoe. Much of the other work has also been done jointly with various members of DARG, particularly the development of discursive psychology with Jonathan Potter.


Issues of morality and children have traditionally been investigated within the realm of developmental psychology, treating the human ability to adopt certain values as a matter of individual and cognitive growth. As an alternative, this book approaches the morality of young persons from a practice oriented perspective. In essence, such an approach adopts a view of morality as something participants jointly accomplish in going about their everyday social affairs. That is to say, rather than relying on developmental theory or moral philosophy in exploring the moral worlds of young persons, a practice oriented approach adopts a primarily empirical stance, leaning on qualitative analysis of naturally occurring social interaction as found in, for example, ethnomethodology, conversation analysis and discursive psychology. This collection brings together scholars from Australia, Sweden, United Kingdom and the United States. Twelve empirical chapters focus on different aspects of everyday morality as practiced among children and youth as well as a range of participants who act in their role as adults, lay or professional, to foster, educate and in various ways support young people in daily life. The volume opens with an introductory chapter by the editors, who briefly present a practice based perspective on morality, situating at the same time the individual chapters within the fields of discursive research on children and youth in society.

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Stokoe, Elizabeth; Edwards, Derek. Mundane morality and gender in familial neighbour disputes. Morality in Practice - Exploring Childhood, Parenthood and Schooling in Everyday Life. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. Nov 2024. ISBN 9781845539306. Date accessed: 21 Jan 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.25142. Nov 2024

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