Complex Predicates in Modern Persian - A Functional Characterization - Zari Saeedi

Complex Predicates in Modern Persian - A Functional Characterization - Zari Saeedi

Appendix A: Aktionsart Diagnostic Test Application to the Persian Adjectival NJs

Complex Predicates in Modern Persian - A Functional Characterization - Zari Saeedi

Zari Saeedi [+-]
Allameh Tabataba’i University
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Zari Saeedi is Assistant Professor in the Department of English Language and Literature at Allameh Tabataba’i University in Tehran.


The book deals with the issue of predication as the central theme of all linguistic theories. In some languages 'verbs' are not the only predicative elements rather other word categories have the same capability. The focus of attention in this book is on the constructions where a predicative adjective or preposition fuse with a 'bleached verb' as the impoverished form of the verbal element to form what is called a complex predicate or 'nuclear juncture' (NJ.). The framework adopted here is Role and Reference Grammar (RRG) Theory (Van Valin 2005). These complex predicates in Persian have received little attention in literature and the few studies carried out have not provided a detailed analysis of these nuclear junctures. The proposed book aims at scrutinizing the types of adjectives/prepositions used in these constructions and the syntax-semantics interface using the data in Persian as one of the oldest Indo-European languages.

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Saeedi, Zari. Appendix A: Aktionsart Diagnostic Test Application to the Persian Adjectival NJs. Complex Predicates in Modern Persian - A Functional Characterization. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 176-187 Feb 2016. ISBN 9781781792186. Date accessed: 14 Sep 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.25330. Feb 2016

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