Variation in disciplinary culture: university tutors’ views on assessed writing tasks
Language, Culture and Identity in Applied Linguistics - Richard Kiely
Hilary Nesi [+ ]
University of Coventry
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Hilary Nesi is a Reader in the Centre for English Language Teacher Education at the University of Warwick, and is project director for the BASE and the BAWE corpora. Her research interests include the analysis of academic genres, corpus linguistics, learner dictionary design and EAP materials development.
Sheena Gardner [+ ]
Coventry University
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Sheena joined the Department of English and Languages in July 2011 from the University of Birmingham, where she was Reader in Educational Linguistics and member of the MOSAIC Centre for Research on Multilingualism
Sheena has a background in Functional Linguistics, English Language Teaching (Germany, Sudan, Ukraine), EFL, ESL and EAL Teacher Education and Applied Linguistics (Canada and UK), with experience in Malaysia, Botswana, Pakistan, and China. She enjoys teaching grammar and genre analysis, and has been involved in the development of national and international pre-university, undergraduate, postgraduate and workplace programmes
This varied international background informs her current role as Head of the Department of English and Languages, with its combinations of Linguistics, Literatures, Cultures, Languages for Business, Creative Writing, TEFL, Academic English and the many languages taught including English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Portuguese, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese and Arabic
Sheena’s research interests lie in the linguistic analysis of educational discourse from systemic functional and other perspectives to enhance our understanding of how languages work in context, and to inform teaching and learning. Two major research projects are an investigation of genres of university student writing and an exploration of classroom based assessment of English as an additional language among young learners. Sheena was also co-investigator for the follow on project 'Writing for a Purpose' (ES/J01095/1)
Sheena has always valued the synergies between teaching and research; her research not only focuses on educational practices but also informs her teaching. Her more than 70 publications include teaching materials, and internationally refereed journal articles in TESOL Quarterly, Language and Education, Language Awareness, Language Teaching Research, English Language Teaching Journal, TESL Canada Journal, Journal of English for Academic Purposes and the International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism.
As part of an ESRC funded project entitled ‘An investigation of genres of assessed writing in British Higher Education’ we have been conducting semistructured interviews with academic staff responsible for course planning and assessment at undergraduate level, to discover views on the types of assignments students are required to write, perceptions of the differences between assignment types, and the qualities valued in student writing at various levels.