Being Viking - Heathenism in Contemporary America - Jefferson F. Calico

Being Viking - Heathenism in Contemporary America - Jefferson F. Calico

Spears and Shieldwalls: The Self and the Struggle of Life

Being Viking - Heathenism in Contemporary America - Jefferson F. Calico

Jefferson F. Calico
University of the Cumberlands


This book takes a serious look at the religious dimensions of Heathenry. In this chapter, I examine how Heathens conceive of the self and its relationship to the world. Ideas of struggle, the past, and the soul are important elements in how Heathens envision their place in the world. These concepts are important ideological resources for the construction of a dissenting vision of the human self.

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Calico, Jefferson. Spears and Shieldwalls: The Self and the Struggle of Life. Being Viking - Heathenism in Contemporary America. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 216-263 Oct 2018. ISBN 9781781792230. Date accessed: 11 Dec 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.25652. Oct 2018

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