Exploring College Writing - Reading, Writing, and Researching across the Curriculum - Dan Melzer

Exploring College Writing - Reading, Writing, and Researching across the Curriculum - Dan Melzer

1: Expectations for College-Level Writing

Exploring College Writing - Reading, Writing, and Researching across the Curriculum - Dan Melzer

Dan Melzer [+-]
California State University
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Dan Melzer (BA University of Florida; PhD Florida State University) is an Associate Professor of English and the University Reading and Writing Coordinator at California State University, Sacramento, where he teaches and coordinates the Writing Across the Curriculum Program and acts as the campus representative on issues of reading and writing across the disciplines. Dan serves on the Editorial Board of Writing Spaces and is the News and Information Editor of The WAC Clearinghouse. He is also a Board member of the International Writing Centers Association and the Northern California Writing Centers Association. Dr. Melzer has published in a number of edited collections and in journals such as College Composition and Communication, Language and Learning Across the Disciplines, The WAC Journal, Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology and Pedagogy.


In this chapter, we’ll focus on some general features of college writing and explore the question, What is college-level writing? After we’ve explored this question, you should feel more prepared for college writing. Topics include: What is College-Level Writing; What is “First-Year” Writing?; Student Writing Case Study: First-Year Writing; Examples of Student Writing from First Year Writing Courses; Review of Key Ideas in Chapter 1

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Melzer, Dan . 1: Expectations for College-Level Writing. Exploring College Writing - Reading, Writing, and Researching across the Curriculum. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 11-54 Dec 2011. ISBN 9781845537791. https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/view-chapter/?id=25811. Date accessed: 11 Dec 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.25811. Dec 2011

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