The Study of Religious Experience - Approaches and Methodologies - Bettina E. Schmidt

The Study of Religious Experience - Approaches and Methodologies - Bettina E. Schmidt

3. Fieldwork and Embodied Knowledge: Researching the Experiences of Spirit Mediums in the Brazilian Vale do Amanhecer

The Study of Religious Experience - Approaches and Methodologies - Bettina E. Schmidt

Emily Pierini
University of Wales Trinity Saint David


This chapter addresses the question of researching a particular kind of religious experience that arises from phenomena of spirit mediumship and possession. It discusses the implications of the ethnographic method, tackling particularly the engagement of the researcher’s body in the field as a methodological tool for approaching a practice that is grounded in embodied forms of encounter with the sacred. The mediums’ relationship with the sacred is hereby considered as something lived through on a bodily, sensorial and emotional dimension. The discussion draws upon the author’s fieldwork in the Spiritualist Christian Order Vale do Amanhecer in Brazil.

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Pierini, Emily. 3. Fieldwork and Embodied Knowledge: Researching the Experiences of Spirit Mediums in the Brazilian Vale do Amanhecer. The Study of Religious Experience - Approaches and Methodologies. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 55-70 Aug 2016. ISBN 9781781792575. Date accessed: 14 Jan 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.26579. Aug 2016

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