Politeness Phenomena across Chinese Genres - Xinren Chen

Politeness Phenomena across Chinese Genres - Xinren Chen

4. Celebrity Introductions and Responses in the Openings of Chinese TV Celebrity Interview Programmes

Politeness Phenomena across Chinese Genres - Xinren Chen

Yonghong Qian [+-]
Nanjing University of Auditing
Yonghong Qian is Associate Professor in School of Foreign Languages at Nanjing University of Auditing, Nanjing, China. She has published several papers on pragmatic teaching, critical pragmatics, and interpersonal pragmatics in journals such as Modern Foreign Languages, Foreign Language Teaching Theory and Practice, Foreign Languages in China, Foreign Languages and Their Teaching, Foreign Languages and Literature, and so on. She has contributed a book chapter in Xinren Chen (Ed.) (2013), Politeness Theory and Foreign Language Learning, and another chapter in Xinren Chen (Ed.) (2013), Pragmatics and Foreign Language Teaching.


Yonghong Qian examines how hosts and guests interact at the opening stage of three Chinese TV celebrity interview programmes, with a special focus on the compliments hosts pay to the guests and the responses the guests make, in order to reveal their respective effort directed at politeness. Her study indicates that both the hosts and the guests resort to politeness strategies. The primary strategy adopted by the hosts is to observe the Approbation Maxim, exalting the positive qualities of the guests. By comparison, the guests resort to a variety of strategies of politeness, abiding by such maxims as modesty, agreement, obligation, and approbation. The use of these strategies on both sides helps to maintain or establish a harmonious relationship between them, as well as with the audience present. For the guests, it also contributes to the building and maintaining of their nice public image.

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Qian, Yonghong. 4. Celebrity Introductions and Responses in the Openings of Chinese TV Celebrity Interview Programmes. Politeness Phenomena across Chinese Genres. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 71-96 Oct 2017. ISBN 9781781791769. https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/view-chapter/?id=26661. Date accessed: 20 Jan 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.26661. Oct 2017

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