Politeness Phenomena across Chinese Genres - Xinren Chen

Politeness Phenomena across Chinese Genres - Xinren Chen

7. Experts' Identity Construction and Rapport Management in the Chinese Context of PhD Oral Defences

Politeness Phenomena across Chinese Genres - Xinren Chen

Yongping Ran [+-]
Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
Yongping Ran is Professor at the National Key Research Centre for Linguistics and Applied Linguistics in Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, P. R. China. He is Editor-in-Chief of the journal of linguistics and applied linguistics Modern Foreign Languages. He has published papers in Intercultural Pragmatics, Journal of Pragmatics, Pragmatics and Society, and in some top journals of linguistics in Chinese. He has also published books such as Pragmatics: Phenomena and Their Analyses (2006), New Explorations in Lexical Pragmatics (2013), and some co-authored books of pragmatics, including Cognitive Pragmatics: Cognition in Verbal Communication (2006), A New Survey of Pragmatics (2009) and so on.
Qian Chen [+-]
Northwest Normal University
Qian Chen is Associate Professor in College of Foreign Languages and Literature at Northwest Normal University, and a doctoral student at the National Key Research Centre for Linguistics and Applied Linguistics in Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, P. R. China. She has published papers in pragmatics in journals such as Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Foreign Languages and Their Teaching, and Journal of Gansu Lianhe University. She has also published papers about language teaching in journals such as e-Education Research and Journal of Northwest Adult Education.


Yongping Ran and Qian Chen focus on advice-giving in the Ph. D. oral defences in Chinese universities and explore how the supervisors construct identities in relation to the management of interpersonal rapport between the participants. It is found that while the supervisors provide the students with some help for the improvement of their dissertation, they also take into account interactional goals which are about the management of personal or interpersonal relationships with the students. As a consequence, the supervisors are found to adopt some strategies for constructing collective identities as well for managing rapport relations with the students.

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Ran, Yongping; Chen, Qian. 7. Experts' Identity Construction and Rapport Management in the Chinese Context of PhD Oral Defences. Politeness Phenomena across Chinese Genres. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 135-167 Oct 2017. ISBN 9781781791769. https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/view-chapter/?id=26665. Date accessed: 12 Jan 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.26665. Oct 2017

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