Romance-Germanic Bilingual Phonology - Mehmet Yavaş

Romance-Germanic Bilingual Phonology - Mehmet Yavaş

Production in English Laterals by Early Sequential Spanish-English Bilinguals

Romance-Germanic Bilingual Phonology - Mehmet Yavaş

Mehmet Yavaş [+-]
Florida International University
Mehmet Yavaş is a Professor of Linguistics at Florida International University. He has published numerous articles on applied phonology and is the principal author of Avaliacao Fonologica da Crianca, a phonological assessment procedure for Brazilian Portuguese. His other publications include Phonological disorders in children (1991), First and second language phonology (1994), Phonology: Development and disorders (1998), Unusual productions in phonology (2014) and Applied English phonology (3rd edition 2015).


This chapter examines the patterns of acquisition of the English laterals by early sequential Spanish-English bilinguals. Spanish /l/ is always ‘clear’, while Am. English /l/ shows degrees of ‘dark’, depending on the context. (Quilis et. al, 1979; Carter & Local, 2007). 30 participants, with average age of English acquisition 4:6 are included in the study. Productuions are acoustically analyzed. Research questions include 1) Are productions of early sequential bilinguals different from those of monolinguals with respect to English laterals? 2) If so, are there contextual factors? and 3) Does age of leaning explain the different performances of individual subjects? Results support Flege’s (1995) ‘equivalence classification, and Major’s (2001) “Similarity Differential Hypothesis’ in that dissimilar phenomena are acquired at faster rates than similar phenomena.

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Yavaş, Mehmet . Production in English Laterals by Early Sequential Spanish-English Bilinguals. Romance-Germanic Bilingual Phonology. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 99-120 Jan 2017. ISBN 9781781792827. Date accessed: 17 Sep 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.27353. Jan 2017

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