Mixed Methods Research in Language Teaching and Learning - A. Mehdi Riazi

Mixed Methods Research in Language Teaching and Learning - A. Mehdi Riazi

Chapter 10: Researching Communication Skills

Mixed Methods Research in Language Teaching and Learning - A. Mehdi Riazi

A. Mehdi Riazi [+-]
Macquarie University
A. Mehdi Riazi is Professor in the Department of Linguistics at Macquarie University, Sydney.


Each chapter in this Part 3 of the book follows the structure outline below: • Introduction: The introductory section of each Chapter in Part 3 will present an overview of the two sample MMR studies to be reviewed in the given chapter. This will set the scene for the next section of each Chapter which illustrates in detail how the themes in question have been investigated using MMR. • Review and Analysis of MMR Studies: In this section of the Chapter, two published MMR studies relating to the theme in question will be analysed using the framework presented in Chapter 8 to showcase and evaluate the use of MMR in relation to that particular theme. The studies will be selected from quality journals and other sources in Language Teaching and Learning to ensure the standing and salience of the sources being drawn on. The MMR Studies will be selected to range over a number of diverse contexts and sites, involving a variety of participants. The following criteria will be used to select journals and papers: - The scope of the journal should address and focus one of the themes in Language Teaching and Learning we identify - The journal should have been indexed in one of the well-known data bases (SCOPUS, ISI, etc.) - The papers to be selected will be indicative of how MMR is used in its data collection and analysis. Accordingly, those papers which have only used either quantitative or qualitative as their research methodology will be excluded. • Commentary: We draw here on the preceding sections of the Chapter to highlight key aspects of MMR in relation to the theme in question, emphasising the way in which the particular Chapter reflects the issues set out in previous parts and as evidenced in the selected Case Studies. We will also provide a critical commentary on each Case Study to display how such studies could be made even more MMR focused.

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Riazi, A. . Chapter 10: Researching Communication Skills. Mixed Methods Research in Language Teaching and Learning. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 217-240 May 2017. ISBN 9781781791387. https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/view-chapter/?id=27681. Date accessed: 10 Feb 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.27681. May 2017

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