Human Communication across Cultures - A Cross-cultural Introduction to Pragmatics and Sociolinguistics - Vincent Remillard
Human Communication across Cultures - A Cross-cultural Introduction to Pragmatics and Sociolinguistics - Vincent Remillard
Vincent Remillard [+ ]
Saint Francis University
Vincent Remillard is Professor Emeritus of French at Saint Francis University in Loretto, PA, where he served as Chair of the Department of Foreign Languages, Dean of General Education, and Director of International Education. During his tenure there, he taught numerous courses in French language, literature, and culture, as well as in various fields of linguistics. He also developed a cross-cultural pragmatics and sociolinguistics course as an option to the traditional language requirement for the General Education Program. He received a BA in French from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, a MAT in French from Assumption College in Worcester, MA, and a PhD in French Literature from the Pennsylvania State University. He has made several presentations state-wide, regionally and locally on Standards, oral proficiency and the relationship of these to the teaching of literature, linguistics and culture. He has served as an Executive Council member of the Pennsylvania State Modern Language Association (PSMLA) where he co-authored manuals on oral proficiency and standards for foreign language learners.
Karen Williams [+ ]
Mercyhurst University
Karen Williams is Professor of Spanish at Mercyhurst University in Erie, PA. She teaches numerous courses in Spanish, linguistics, and sociolinguistics. She received a BM in Music Performance from Iowa State University in 1992, an MA in Spanish Linguistics from the University of Georgia in 1995, and a PhD in Linguistics from the University of Georgia in 1999, with specializations in Hispanic Linguistics, Phonetics, Second Language Acquisition, and Sociolinguistics. She served as member of the Executive Council of the Pennsylvania State Modern Language Association and as webmaster for the PSMLA website. She has published articles on various aspects of language and pedagogy, and has given numerous presentations at local, state, national, and international conferences on sociolinguistics, foreign language teaching, translation, interdisciplinary language studies, and general education.
This chapter explores pragmatic or speaker meaning in verbal events and its relationship to contextual components.