The Qur’ān and Kerygma - Biblical Receptions of the Muslim Scripture across a Millennium - Jeffrey Einboden

The Qur’ān and Kerygma - Biblical Receptions of the Muslim Scripture across a Millennium - Jeffrey Einboden

A “Totally Typological” Christian Qur’ān: Northrop Frye’s Triple Mirror

The Qur’ān and Kerygma - Biblical Receptions of the Muslim Scripture across a Millennium - Jeffrey Einboden

Jeffrey Einboden [+-]
Northern Illinois University
Jeffrey Einboden is Professor of 19th-century American Literature and Comparative Literature at Northern Illinois University, and author of Nineteenth-Century U.S. Literature in Middle Eastern Languages (Edinburgh University Press 2013); Islam and Romanticism: Muslim Currents from Goethe to Emerson (Oneworld 2014); and The Islamic Lineage of American Literary Culture (Oxford University Press, 2016). His research into Islamic sources and the Western canon has appeared in journals including Milton Quarterly, Translation and Literature, Middle Eastern Literatures, and the Journal of Qur’anic Studies; in 2006, his “The Genesis of Weltliteratur: Goethe’s West-östlicher Divan and Kerygmatic Pluralism” (Literature and Theology; 2005) was named by OUP as one of the “100 seminal articles” published by Oxford Journals in the past century.


While the Qur’ān’s forgotten translation into biblical idioms is treated in Chapter 5, Chapter 6 explores the Qur’ān’s hidden contributions to the literary study of the Bible, considering the Muslim scripture’s impact on ordained United Church minister, and leading 20th-century critic, Northrop Frye. Marking the present study’s last step westward, as well as its final advance towards the present-day, Chapter 6 concludes in Canada, reading not only Frye’s published allusions to Islam, but also his Qur’ānic appeals voiced in venues more private, from Frye’s pedagogical lectures to his personal marginalia. Revealed as both a catalyst and a complicating factor for his famed “Bible and Literature” studies, the Qur’ān exemplifies for Frye the “genuine kerygmatic”, while also threatening to disrupt the closed coherency of the two biblical Testaments, occupying a third position that reinforces, yet also reverses, his critical intent.

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Einboden, Jeffrey. A “Totally Typological” Christian Qur’ān: Northrop Frye’s Triple Mirror. The Qur’ān and Kerygma - Biblical Receptions of the Muslim Scripture across a Millennium. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 124-143 Oct 2019. ISBN 9781781794111. Date accessed: 12 Jan 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.28419. Oct 2019

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