Walking Through Jordan - Essays in Honor of Burton MacDonald - Michael Neeley

Walking Through Jordan - Essays in Honor of Burton MacDonald - Michael Neeley

Pliny, Petra and the Aromatics Trade

Walking Through Jordan - Essays in Honor of Burton MacDonald - Michael Neeley

Andrew Smith [+-]
George Washington University
Andrew M. Smith II is an Associate Professor of Classics and History in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences at the George Washington University. Smith specializes in the history and archaeology of the Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine Near East, and he recently completed a monograph on Roman Palmyra (Syria) for the Oxford University Press (2014). Currently, Smith directs the Bir Madhkur Project, which involves both excavation and intensive survey, and has as its main goal to examine the role of Petra in the ancient economy from a rural, landscape perspective. This project also focuses on the challenge of preserving Petra’s regional, cultural heritage through community engagement practices.


This paper provides a survey of the overland trade in frankincense and myrrh that passed through Nabataean and Roman Arabia, with special attention given to the various trade routes that converged on Petra from the south and those west of Petra that crossed the Wadi Araba. This includes the renowned Incense Route that linked Petra with Gaza as the Roman author Pliny describes. The opportunity will be taken here to summarize what we know about the regional trade patterns associated with Petra as well as to present new evidence derived from recent archaeological fieldwork in the central Wadi Araba. The focus will be on assessing Pliny’s account of the Incense Route with the available geographical, historical, and archaeological evidence.

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Smith, Andrew. Pliny, Petra and the Aromatics Trade. Walking Through Jordan - Essays in Honor of Burton MacDonald. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 183-203 Nov 2017. ISBN 9781781792834. https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/view-chapter/?id=28928. Date accessed: 09 Feb 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.28928. Nov 2017

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