Ḥanafī Māturīdīsm - Trajectories of a Theological Legacy, with a Study and Critical Edition of al-Khabbāzī’s Kitāb al-Hādī - Ayedh S. Aldosari
2. Al-Khabbāzī’s Personal Details
Ḥanafī Māturīdīsm - Trajectories of a Theological Legacy, with a Study and Critical Edition of al-Khabbāzī’s Kitāb al-Hādī - Ayedh S. Aldosari
Ayedh S. Aldosari [+ ]
Ayedh S. Aldosari is Assistant Professor of Comparative Religion in the Department of Islamic Studies at King Saud University, Riyadh. His specialist field is Comparative religion and theological thought (Kalam). He has a BA in Islamic Theology and an MA in Theology both from King Saud University. He recently completed his PhD in Islamic Studies from the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, UK. He is the author of numerous publications, including Ibn Taymiyya and the Other, Thus spoke Ibn Taymiyyah, and The Creed of Al Haqiqa Al Mohamadia.
Chapter Two critically analyzes al-Khabbāzī’s personal details. Detailed information about al-Khabbāzī is discussed, such as his name, agnomen, epithet, familial and regional affiliation and ascription, birth, death, age, teachers, students, writings and scholarly rank, as well as his creedal and juristic positions.