Ḥanafī Māturīdīsm - Trajectories of a Theological Legacy, with a Study and Critical Edition of al-Khabbāzī’s Kitāb al-Hādī - Ayedh S. Aldosari

Ḥanafī Māturīdīsm - Trajectories of a Theological Legacy, with a Study and Critical Edition of al-Khabbāzī’s Kitāb al-Hādī - Ayedh S. Aldosari

The Edited Text of al-Hadi

Ḥanafī Māturīdīsm - Trajectories of a Theological Legacy, with a Study and Critical Edition of al-Khabbāzī’s Kitāb al-Hādī - Ayedh S. Aldosari

Ayedh S. Aldosari [+-]
Ayedh S. Aldosari is Assistant Professor of Comparative Religion in the Department of Islamic Studies at King Saud University, Riyadh. His specialist field is Comparative religion and theological thought (Kalam). He has a BA in Islamic Theology and an MA in Theology both from King Saud University. He recently completed his PhD in Islamic Studies from the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, UK. He is the author of numerous publications, including Ibn Taymiyya and the Other, Thus spoke Ibn Taymiyyah, and The Creed of Al Haqiqa Al Mohamadia.


Chapter Eight presents the edited Arabic text of al-Hādī based on six manuscripts. Despite the fact that al-Hādī was written to serve as a text within a school curriculum of scholastic theology for Ḥanafite students in Damascus in the seventh Hijri century, it still represents the ongoing creed of around half of the Muslims who are said to belong to the Māturīdite school. al-Hādī is not only important in our time because it represents the creed of the Muslims who have adopted it, but it is also very valuable to studies of early kalam in general and the Māturīdite theological school in particular.

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Alddosari, Ayedh. The Edited Text of al-Hadi. Ḥanafī Māturīdīsm - Trajectories of a Theological Legacy, with a Study and Critical Edition of al-Khabbāzī’s Kitāb al-Hādī. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 377-695 Apr 2020. ISBN 9781781794258. https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/view-chapter/?id=29049. Date accessed: 09 Feb 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.29049. Apr 2020

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