Suffixal Rivalry in Adjective Formation - A Cognitive-Corpus Analysis - Zeki Hamawand

Suffixal Rivalry in Adjective Formation - A Cognitive-Corpus Analysis - Zeki Hamawand

Adjectival suffixation

Suffixal Rivalry in Adjective Formation - A Cognitive-Corpus Analysis - Zeki Hamawand

Zeki Hamawand [+-]
University of Kirkuk and University of Sulaimani
Zeki Hamawand is Professor of English Linguistics at the University of Kirkuk and a senior lecturer at the University of Sulaimani, Iraq. He is the author of several books including Atemporal Complement Clauses in English: A Cognitive Grammar Analysis (Lincom 2002), Suffixal Rivalry in Adjective Formation: A Cognitive-Corpus Analysis (Equinox 2007), Morpho-Lexical Alternation in Noun Formation (Palgrave 2008), The semantics of English Negative Prefixes (Equinox 2009), and Morphology in English: Word Formation in Cognitive Grammar (Continuum 2011).


This chapter introduces the descriptive framework that is necessary for a discussion of the semantics of adjective formation in English. On its agenda, there are four main items. Section 1 defines the notion of suffixation and specifics the intricacies involved in its description. Section 2 reviews the linguistic approaches. It shows how they treat the issues of form-meaning relationship, morphological rivalry and lexical alternation, touches upon some existing research and offers an assessment of the treatments posited. At the end, a new approach is outlined, covering its underpinnings, assumptions, goals and procedures. Section 3 presents the methods of analysis within which my treatment of adjectival suffixation is conducted. It falls into two subsections. The first tackles the theoretical method represented by Cognitive Linguistics, elaborating on the principles related to adjectival suffixation and the mechanisms responsible for morpheme combination. The second handles the empirical method represented by Corpus Linguistics, describing the corpus consulted and the techniques employed in the analysis.

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Hamawand, Zeki . Adjectival suffixation. Suffixal Rivalry in Adjective Formation - A Cognitive-Corpus Analysis. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 5-43 Apr 2007. ISBN 9781845531812. Date accessed: 18 Jan 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.29331. Apr 2007

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