New Antiquities - Transformations of Ancient Religion in the New Age and Beyond - Dylan Michael Burns

New Antiquities - Transformations of Ancient Religion in the New Age and Beyond - Dylan Michael Burns

Archaeology, Historicity and Homosexuality in the New Cultus of Antinous: Perceptions of the Past in a Contemporary Pagan Religion

New Antiquities - Transformations of Ancient Religion in the New Age and Beyond - Dylan Michael Burns

Ethan Doyle White [+-]
University College London
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Ethan Doyle White has a PhD in medieval history and archaeology from University College London and has written extensively on modern Paganism and related forms of esotericism. His publications include Wicca: History, Belief, and Community in Modern Pagan Witchcraft (Sussex Academic Press, 2016), Pagans: The Visual Culture of Pagan Myths, Legends and Rituals (Thames and Hudson, 2023), and The New Witches of the West: Tradition, Liberation, and Power (Cambridge University Press, 2024).


In the second century, the Roman Emperor Hadrian deified his male lover, Antinous, after the latter drowned in the Nile. Antinous’ worship was revived in the late twentieth century, primarily by gay men and other queer-identified individuals, with Antinous himself being recast as ‘the Gay God.’

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Doyle White, Ethan. Archaeology, Historicity and Homosexuality in the New Cultus of Antinous: Perceptions of the Past in a Contemporary Pagan Religion. New Antiquities - Transformations of Ancient Religion in the New Age and Beyond. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 127-148 Mar 2019. ISBN 9781800501065. Date accessed: 07 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.30636. Mar 2019

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