Surviving the Induction Years of Language Teaching - The Importance of Reflective Practice - Thomas S.C. Farrell
Reflecting on Philosophy in the First Year
Surviving the Induction Years of Language Teaching - The Importance of Reflective Practice - Thomas S.C. Farrell
Thomas S.C. Farrell [+ ]
Brock University
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This chapter outlines and discusses the topics related to philosophy that the novice ESL teacher reflected on during his first year. The main topic he reflected on for example was his teacher identity in terms of the origins, formation and how it has developed (or not) during his first year development. Reflecting on teacher role identity allows language educators a useful lens into the “who” of teaching and how teachers construct and reconstruct their views of their roles as language teachers and themselves in relation to their peers and their context. This chapter analyzes the novice teacher’s functional roles while performing his or his duties, what he felt about teaching and being a teacher, and how these were shaped by his evolving philosophy of teaching during his first year.