Advancing Nonviolence and Social Transformation - New Perspectives on Nonviolent Theories - Heather Eaton

Advancing Nonviolence and Social Transformation - New Perspectives on Nonviolent Theories - Heather Eaton

Chapter 17. Wondering about Wonder as an Antidote to Our Violence against Earth

Advancing Nonviolence and Social Transformation - New Perspectives on Nonviolent Theories - Heather Eaton

Simon Appolloni [+-]
University of Toronto
Simon's research investigates the relationships humans nurture with nature - often through a religious lens and/or through the appropriation of new science - with a view to finding avenues of harmonious living between humans and the natural world and amongst humans. He currently teaches as a sessional instructor at University of Toronto, Humber College and Brock University


Simon Appolloni, religion and ecology scholar, explores the potential of wonder to act as a correction to violence by cultivating a deep sense of interdependence with all life.

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Appolloni, Simon. Chapter 17. Wondering about Wonder as an Antidote to Our Violence against Earth. Advancing Nonviolence and Social Transformation - New Perspectives on Nonviolent Theories. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 265-280 Nov 2016. ISBN 9781781794722. Date accessed: 10 Feb 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.31997. Nov 2016

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