The Linguistics Delusion - Geoffrey Sampson

The Linguistics Delusion - Geoffrey Sampson

10. A Linguistic Axiom Challenged

The Linguistics Delusion - Geoffrey Sampson

Geoffrey Sampson [+-]
Sussex University, Professor Emeritus
Geoffrey Sampson is Professor Emeritus at Sussex University and has taught linguistics at the LSE, Lancaster and Leeds Universities. His recent books include Love Songs of Early China (2006), Electronic Business (2nd edn 2008) and Writing Systems (2nd edn 2015).


Sets out the axiom as expressed and generally believed since the 1890s, describes the inadequacy of the evidence offered in its support, and marshals various arguments against accepting it.

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Sampson, Geoffrey. 10. A Linguistic Axiom Challenged. The Linguistics Delusion. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 145-162 Sep 2017. ISBN 9781781795781. Date accessed: 12 Nov 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.32140. Sep 2017

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