Evil - A Critical Primer - Kenneth G. MacKendrick

Evil - A Critical Primer - Kenneth G. MacKendrick

Classification and Magical Thinking

Evil - A Critical Primer - Kenneth G. MacKendrick

Kenneth G. MacKendrick [+-]
Department of Religion University of Manitoba
Kenneth G. MacKendrick is Associate Professor of Religion at the University of Manitoba.


Provides an overview of the power of classification and the relation of classification to dangers and aversions; key thinkers include Mary Douglas, Jonathan Z. Smith, and Bruce Lincoln; ethnographic examples will be drawn from Cantonese funerals, Maori cosmology, and Protestant purity debates (U.S.). This chapter will also include a discussion of “magical thinking” as the backbone of classificatory thinking.

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MacKendrick, Kenneth. Classification and Magical Thinking. Evil - A Critical Primer. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 17-40 Aug 2023. ISBN 9781781796191. https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/view-chapter/?id=32884. Date accessed: 06 Feb 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.32884. Aug 2023

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