Muslim Qur’anic Interpretation Today - Media, Genealogies and Interpretive Communities - Johanna Pink
Muslim Qur’anic Interpretation Today - Media, Genealogies and Interpretive Communities - Johanna Pink
Johanna Pink [+ ]
University of Freiburg
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Media are an essential prerequisite for any message to reach its recipient. The transition from manuscript to print culture has already fundamentally altered our perception of the exegetical heritage. Further media transformations came about with the spread of radio, TV, the internet and smartphones. All of these shaped the ways in which the Qurʾān is interpreted and that interpretation performed. Some interpretive endeavours are present in various media at the same time, adapting their style to these media and their different target groups. The chapter discusses the impact of text, audio and visual media on Qurʾānic interpretation, paying particular attention to exegetical sermons that are available on online video platforms and are possibly among the most powerful and widely consumed approaches to the Qurʾān today.