Muslim Qur’anic Interpretation Today - Media, Genealogies and Interpretive Communities - Johanna Pink
The Qur'an, Textual Interpretation and Authority
Muslim Qur’anic Interpretation Today - Media, Genealogies and Interpretive Communities - Johanna Pink
Johanna Pink [+ ]
University of Freiburg
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As both the first and the second part of the book demonstrate, Qurʾānic interpretation takes place in power fields. Such power fields determine whether an interpretation is considered acceptable or even authoritative in specific circumstances. Such dynamics become particularly clear in cases of conflict. The epilogue draws on two case studies: an Egyptian censorship case concerning a rhymed Qurʾānic commentary and the struggle over the interpretation of Q. 4:34, a verse that seems to allow a husband to beat his wife. These case studies lead up to concluding reflections on the nature of authority, power fields, and the interaction between the Qurʾānic texts and its human readers in present-day Muslim Qurʾānic interpretation.