Religion in Five Minutes - Aaron W. Hughes

Religion in Five Minutes - Aaron W. Hughes

11. How did religion start?

Religion in Five Minutes - Aaron W. Hughes

Nickolas P. Roubekas [+-]
University of Vienna
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Nickolas P. Roubekas is assistant professor of Religious Studies at the University of Vienna, Austria. He is the author of An Ancient Theory of Religion: Euhemerism from Antiquity to the Present (Routledge, 2017) and editor of Theorizing “Religion” in Antiquity (Equinox, 2019) and Explaining, Interpreting, and Theorizing Religion and Myth (with Thomas Ryba; Brill, 2020).


Religion in Five Minutes provides an accessible and lively introduction to the questions about religion and religious behaviour that interest most of us, whether or not we personally identify with -- or practice -- a religion. Suitable for beginning students and the general reader, the book offers more than 60 brief essays on a wide range of fascinating questions about religion and its study, such as: How did religion start? What religion is the oldest? Who are the Nones? Why do women seem to play lesser roles in many religions? What’s the difference between a religion and a cult? Is Europe less religious than North America? Is Buddhism a philosophy? How do we study religions of groups who no longer exist? Each essay is written by a leading authority and offers succinct, insightful answers along with suggestions for further reading, making the book an ideal starting point for classroom use or personal browsing.

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Roubekas, Nickolas. 11. How did religion start?. Religion in Five Minutes. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 43-46 Aug 2017. ISBN 9781781794654. Date accessed: 14 Jan 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.32983. Aug 2017

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