The Lifetime Soundtrack - Music and Autobiographical Memory - Lauren Istvandity

The Lifetime Soundtrack - Music and Autobiographical Memory - Lauren Istvandity

Recorded Music and Memory: Capturing, Indexing and Archiving the Past

The Lifetime Soundtrack - Music and Autobiographical Memory - Lauren Istvandity

Lauren Istvandity [+-]
University of the Sunshine Coast
Dr Lauren Istvandity is a Lecturer in the School of Creative Industries, University of the Sunshine Coast. Her research interests spans popular music, memory, critical heritage studies, and ethnography. Her most recent work looks to the heritage of jazz music in Queensland, where she collects memory narratives and ephemera for archival preservation. She is the co-editor of Routledge Companion to Popular Music History and Heritage (Routledge 2018).


This chapter conceptualises the link between music and autobiographical memory through comparison to philosophical ideas of the archive. Within, I propose that elements pertaining to music listening experience are able to effectively capture and store personal memories, which can then be retrieved upon rehearing salient music. To support this theory, ideas comparing the fidelity of music technology and the fallibility of human memory are examined and expanded upon. The chapter argues that musical elements such as lyrics and sound, as well as the para-musical elements of listening technology and physical entrainment produce an effective archive system due to the complimentary properties of both music and memory. This chapter is supported by the particularly unique ways participants described their connection with music; the typically ineffable nature of music perception is emphasized here through the range of ways interviewees perceived their relationship between sounds, lyrics, movement, and technology.

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Istvandity, Lauren. Recorded Music and Memory: Capturing, Indexing and Archiving the Past. The Lifetime Soundtrack - Music and Autobiographical Memory. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 77-96 Sep 2019. ISBN 9781781796290. Date accessed: 14 Sep 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.33121. Sep 2019

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