The Structure of a Research Proposal

Writing Research Proposals in Applied Linguistics - A. Mehdi Riazi

A. Mehdi Riazi [+-]
Macquarie University
A. Mehdi Riazi is Professor in the Department of Linguistics at Macquarie University, Sydney.


• What is a Research Proposal? What is its purpose? • How is it structured? • Who is it for? How will it be judged and by whom? • A framework for designing Research Proposals o The what: Working out your problems/issues/questions o The how: Who will participate? What type of data will be gathered? How the will the data will be analysed? o The why: Why this question? Why this issue? What is the significance of the research? Why the chosen method? o The what for: What will be the impact? Who will benefit? Reflective Tasks

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Riazi, A. . The Structure of a Research Proposal. Writing Research Proposals in Applied Linguistics. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. Nov 2026. ISBN 9781781796320. Date accessed: 17 Sep 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.33176. Nov 2026

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