Shaping your Study and your Proposal

Writing Research Proposals in Applied Linguistics - A. Mehdi Riazi

A. Mehdi Riazi [+-]
Macquarie University
A. Mehdi Riazi is Professor in the Department of Linguistics at Macquarie University, Sydney.


• Principles of choosing your research approach and methodology o What does your methodology involve? o What assumptions does it make theoretically and practically? o How do you relate to your chosen methodology? o How does your chosen methodology relate to your research purposes and data? o How contextualised is your methodology in terms of people, time and space? o How methodical is your methodology? How coherent is it? • Sampling procedures: which informants and participants to choose o Questions of where and when (access, convenience, suitability, etc.) o Questions of who (availability, demographics, specific characteristics, etc.) o Questions of numbers (experimental studies, surveys, case studies) o Thinking of ethical issues. How might the research study affect participants? How should issues such as consent and confidentiality be addressed? • Selecting and warranting the appropriate tools of data collection o What are potential data collection tools for quantitatively-oriented research o What are potential data collection tools for qualitatively-oriented research o What are potential data collection tools for mixed-methods research • Getting engaged with the data and selecting the appropriate procedures of data analysis o Choosing appropriate quantitative data analysis procedures o Choosing appropriate qualitative data analysis procedures Reflective Tasks

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Riazi, A. . Shaping your Study and your Proposal. Writing Research Proposals in Applied Linguistics. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. Nov 2026. ISBN 9781781796320. Date accessed: 13 Dec 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.33185. Nov 2026

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