The Original Mediterranean Cuisine - Medieval Recipes for Today (second edition) - Barbara Santich

The Original Mediterranean Cuisine - Medieval Recipes for Today (second edition) - Barbara Santich

The Unity of Mediterranean Europe

The Original Mediterranean Cuisine - Medieval Recipes for Today (second edition) - Barbara Santich

Barbara Santich [+-]
University of Adelaide
Barbara Santich is Professor Emeritus in the History Department and a culinary historian who initiated post-graduate courses in food history and culture at the University of Adelaide. She is the author of eight books including the award-winning Bold Palates: Australia’s Gastronomic Heritage (2012).


Mediterranean Europe, from Sicily to the south of Spain, shared a similar and agriculture, as well as a cultural and linguistic heritage from the Roman Empire.

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Santich, Barbara. The Unity of Mediterranean Europe. The Original Mediterranean Cuisine - Medieval Recipes for Today (second edition). Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 1-5 Dec 2018. ISBN 9781781796405. Date accessed: 07 Nov 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.33505. Dec 2018

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