Phonology in Protolanguage and Interlanguage - Elena Babatsouli

Phonology in Protolanguage and Interlanguage - Elena Babatsouli


Phonology in Protolanguage and Interlanguage - Elena Babatsouli

Elena Babatsouli [+-]
Institute of Monolingual and Bilingual Speech
Elena Babatsouli is the Director of the Institute of Monolingual and Bilingual Speech in Chania, Greece, whose purpose is the advancement and dissemination of scientific knowledge in various aspects of language acquisition, typical and atypical. She received a BA in English from Royal Holloway, University of London, a MA in Languages and Business from London South Bank University and her PhD in Linguistics from the University of Crete. Her research interests are in the acquisition, use and loss of language in all its forms (first, second, bilingual, dialectal), and in clinical implications. She was co-chair of the inaugural International Symposium of Monolingual and Bilingual Speech 2015 and co-editor of its Proceedings.
David Ingram [+-]
Arizona State University
David Ingram is Professor in the Department of Speech and Hearing Science at Arizona State University. He received his BS from Georgetown University and his PhD in Linguistics from Stanford University. His research interests are in language acquisition in typically developing children and children with language disorders, with a cross-linguistic focus. The language areas of interest are phonological, morphological, and syntactic acquisition. He is the author of Phonological disability in children (1976),Procedures for the phonological analysis of children’s language (1981), and First language acquisition (1989). His most recent work has focused on whole word measures of phonological acquisition.

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Babatsouli, Elena; Ingram, David. Prologue. Phonology in Protolanguage and Interlanguage. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 1-23 Jan 2018. ISBN 9781781795644. Date accessed: 10 Feb 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.33980. Jan 2018

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