Sensual Religion - Religion and the Five Senses - Graham Harvey

Sensual Religion - Religion and the Five Senses - Graham Harvey

1. A Pleasing Odour for Yahweh: The Smell of Sacrifices on Mount Gerizim and in the Hebrew Bible

Sensual Religion - Religion and the Five Senses - Graham Harvey

Anne Katrine de Hemmer Gudme [+-]
University of Oslo
Anne Katrine de Hemmer Gudme is Professor of Hebrew Bible at the University of Oslo.


Smell was an important factor in delineating sacred space in the ancient world and the sense of smell was crucial in meetings between the human and the divine (involving the “pleasing odour” of sacrifices and incense). This chapter traces the importance of smell, using the Yahweh temple on Mount Gerizim and the Hebrew Bible as case-studies.

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Gudme, Anne Katrine. 1. A Pleasing Odour for Yahweh: The Smell of Sacrifices on Mount Gerizim and in the Hebrew Bible. Sensual Religion - Religion and the Five Senses. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 19-36 Sep 2018. ISBN 9781781794159. Date accessed: 09 Feb 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.34238. Sep 2018

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