Assessment Across Online Language Education - Stephanie Link

Assessment Across Online Language Education - Stephanie Link

3. Assessing the Effect of Pedagogical Interventions on Success Rates and Students’ Perceptions of Connectedness Online

Assessment Across Online Language Education - Stephanie Link

Victoria Russell [+-]
Valdosta State University
Victoria Russell is an Associate Professor of Spanish and Foreign Language Education at Valdosta State University. She earned a Ph.D. in Second Language Acquisition and Instructional Technology from the University of South Florida, and her research interests include online language pedagogy, pragmatics, and foreign language teacher preparation. Her work has appeared in journals such as Foreign Language Annals, The Internet and Higher Education, and Dimension.


This chapter describes a grant project, the purpose of which was to increase students’ success rates, as measured by final course grades, in a third semester university-level online Spanish course. In order to meet this goal, two pedagogical interventions were implemented: online peer support groups and synchronous conversations with native speakers. In addition, four objectives for the project were set forth as follows: (1) increase student-student interaction, (2) increase student-content interaction, (3) reduce students’ foreign language anxiety, and (4) correct students’ false beliefs about language learning. The first two objectives were intended to increase learners’ perceptions of connectedness with each other and with the course content. The second two objectives were intended to decrease grades of Below Average (D), Failure (F) and Withdrawal (W), thereby increasing students’ chances of successfully completing the course. The chapter provides a review of the relevant literature related to the project, a full description of the two pedagogical interventions, the instruments that were used to measure the objectives of the project, and the results. The discussion includes suggestions for future research.

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Russell, Victoria. 3. Assessing the Effect of Pedagogical Interventions on Success Rates and Students’ Perceptions of Connectedness Online. Assessment Across Online Language Education. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 49-70 Feb 2018. ISBN 9781781797013. Date accessed: 14 Jan 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.34387. Feb 2018

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