12. Argument-based Approach to Validation in Online Language Education
Assessment Across Online Language Education - Stephanie Link
Erik Voss [+ ]
Northeastern University
The goal of learning-oriented assessment is to provide feedback to support language learning. In fact, Popham (2014) suggests that teachers who use effective educational assessments will become better teachers. However, in order to be confident that the language assessment scores are appropriate for their intended purpose and correct decisions are being made based on the interpretation of the scores, such assessments need to be evaluated through a validation process. This chapter will highlight the importance of validation of learner-oriented assessment practices. Next, it will present the framework for the argument-based approach to validation (Chapelle, Enright, & Jamieson, 2008; Kane, 2006). The chapter will conclude with a consideration how the argument-based framework can provide effective assessment information for evaluation of language learning and pedagogical practices in online language environments.